Photo courtesy of Katie Takahashi
Summer spin | Color guard attended their summer camp from June 14-15 and June 21-22.
Color Guard held its summer camp for new and returning members on June 14-15 and June 21-22. They later participated in Band Camp alongside the Blue Thunder Marching Band from August 5-9.
These camps served as a basic introduction to new members. They were taught general choreography, how to execute drop spins and learn about team dynamics. For returning members, these camps served as a review to make sure they have not lost their skills after the summer break.
“It’s really important to attend these things. We create more bonds with each other in the team. This foundation helps for later practices because practices during the school year are not as often,” co-captain senior Chloe Cayaban said.
During Guard Camp, members were split into three groups to practice specific equipment: flag, rifle or saber. Each group focused on technique improvement.
“If we went straight into Band Camp, a lot of the new rookies would be confused on where to start,” co-captain junior April Ramirez said. “[Having] Guard Camp first is more effective because it’ll help you learn all these basics instead of fast forwarding into the hard stuff.”
In Band Camp, Color Guard and marching band first practiced separately. Once they move back to the field, the two teams practice the drills together.
“Summer camps are important for the team to get comfortable with fundamentals and basic exercises. That way, we can be prepared to learn choreography and new skills that are all built from these fundamentals,” Color Guard director Katie Takahashi said. “I’m really looking forward to seeing the team’s growth throughout the season.” Ω