Spring break, a brief week-long escape from school, seems like a much needed time off for students. However, it often does more harm than good for me because of finals right around the corner. Spring break acts as more of an interruption rather than a break, causing me to forget important material and become unnecessarily stressed once the break is over. My solution is to add spring break to summer break and end school one week earlier or start one week later.
Spring break is an opportunity to relax and get some extra sleep before finals preparation starts. Although this may be true, the abrupt transition from focused to relaxed can have negative effects. Instead of providing relief, spring break is often just a week of lost progress and a chance to forget what I have been studying. Last year during spring break, I disregarded studying for most of the week and decided to take a step back from the harsh academic lifestyle, choosing to hang out with my friends and sleep in. This was a terrible decision because I found it very difficult to regain my focus during class, and I forgot some of what I studied. This year, spring break is from April 14 to April 21. With spring break being so late, there is only about a month of preparation time left before finals and Advanced Placement tests.
Moreover, students may find it difficult to fully enjoy their break because of the upcoming finals. Homework is usually given out over the break to prevent students from forgetting the material, but it ultimately ends up ruining the break and is frequently procrastinated on until the last two days.
One of the worst things about spring break is forgetting what you learned. A week without class leads to a decline in proficiency levels, especially in classes such as math and science that require constant practice. However, if spring break were added to summer break, students could get to finals without an interruption in their learning and focus, getting out of school one week early.
Rather than reducing stress, spring break can actually add to it. I often feel torn between enjoying my time off and worrying about the upcoming finals. I am sure many students can relate to this feeling and may end up using their break to study more or to maximize their relaxation. Both options ultimately have bad results. If you choose to study more, that basically disregards the point of the break.
While some students may want a break to recharge, others might prefer to keep their momentum going as finals approach. A one-size-fits-all week off does not work for everyone. Instead, giving students the option of an earlier summer break allows for more flexibility—those who need rest can take it, while others can use the extra time for independent study, college preparation or other productive activities. This shift would ensure students are not forced into an abrupt pause that might hurt their academic progress. For those who have summer school, an additional week allows for a longer period to unwind.
Teachers could also benefit from this adjustment. They often struggle with time constraints in covering all of the curriculum, causing them to fall behind. Removing spring break could give them a more consistent time to teach; otherwise, they would just fall further behind once spring break ends.
Spring break is a flawed system. The only break it offers is a break in focus and learning, causing students stress and making finals more difficult. By combining it with summer break, students would have a longer vacation and a better experience for their final exams. Ω