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Walnut High School | 400 Pierre Rd. Walnut, Calif. 91789

the hoofprint

Walnut High School | 400 Pierre Rd. Walnut, Calif. 91789

the hoofprint

Walnut High School | 400 Pierre Rd. Walnut, Calif. 91789

David Kang

David Kang, Staff writer

Hi my name is David, I’m in the 12th grade, and I’m a Staff writer for The Hoofprint. Outside of The Hoofprint I am the co-president of NHS and vice president of HOSA. Outside of school, I love to bake and play the ukulele!

All content by David Kang
Roniya Salinas (left) and Makayla Wang (right) go on a date together at a flea market in Downtown Fullerton.

Love unfolds in full sprint

David Kang, Staff writer
March 4, 2025
Senior Jacob Brawley begins to kick for the last 100 meters of his 400 meter dash. "My mentallity was focused on getting to CIF and everything was burning, which made me feel excited with my race so far," Brawley said.

Track and field athletes place at the Hacienda League Finals

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
May 15, 2024
What's where in Walnut?

What’s where in Walnut?

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
May 6, 2024
Team Walnut and team Mustangs call for substitutions.

Team Walnut wins against team Mustangs

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
May 3, 2024
From grandfather to grandson, junior Boris Chuang inherits a love for chemistry

From grandfather to grandson, junior Boris Chuang inherits a love for chemistry

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and in-depth editor
February 13, 2024
The years of the high schooler

The years of the high schooler

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
February 12, 2024
Point guard sophomore Jacob Ventura moves along the baseline, challenging small forward junior Myles
Wainwright to create an open look for his teammate. "This year's practice is more serious and competitive. Given that our team is now
Division 1, we're trying to elevate each other's skills to perform well during matches," Ventura said.

Varsity boys basketball’s gradual rise to Division 1

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In- depth editor
December 6, 2023
Mustang Holidays

Mustang Holidays

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
December 6, 2023
Food for thought

Food for thought

David Kang, In-depth editor and Online editor-in-chief
November 6, 2023
From left to right top to bottom: Tom Brady, Serena Williams, LeBron James and Lionel Messi. 
(Photo source: TheSunDaily,  Forbes, Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN), Women’s Tennis Association.

What truly defines a G.O.A.T. athlete?

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
November 6, 2023
Mustang duos, haven't you heard?

Mustang duos, haven’t you heard?

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
October 8, 2023
From left to right, Seniors Gabriel Dee, Kevin Tseng and Andres Sanchez prepare to leave Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX) for water polo coaching in Greece. Dee said, “I was feeling very nervous yet excited about going to Greece, as I wanted to see the unique style of water polo played and instructed by the coaches. Additionally, the joy of knowing that I would at least have the chance to train with my friends made me feel a little better.”

Water polo seniors return from international training in Greece

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
September 25, 2023
Senior Belle Bao takes a picture in front of Brown’s mascot during her summer program.

Broadening their horizons: a summer of learning beyond the books

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
September 25, 2023
Ku makes a silicone mold of venous aneurysms for catheter and stent testing at UCLA’s research lab.

Broadening their horizons: a summer of learning beyond the books

David Kang, Online editor-in-chief and In-depth editor
September 25, 2023
The final effort | Varsity boys captain sophomore Jaydan Trinh swims in the 100 yard butterfly. “It’s a really tiring
stroke but it’s one of my strongest ones; I placed second at this meet,” Trinh said. “I like swimming because when
I was younger I would always watch the swimming in the Olympics, which made me want to be like them. Even
though the practice is rigorous, it gives me a good workout.”

Varsity swim team triumphs over Los Osos in a tough match

David Kang, Design editor-in-chief and Opinion editor
March 20, 2023
Picture perfect for the holidays

Picture perfect for the holidays

David Kang, Feature editor
December 14, 2022
A home away from home

A home away from home

David Kang, Feature editor
September 27, 2022
A home away from home

A home away from home

David Kang, Feature editor
September 27, 2022
A gear shift in life

A gear shift in life

David Kang, Feature editor
September 20, 2022
Catching Waves of Memories

Catching Waves of Memories

David Kang, Feature editor
August 26, 2022
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David Kang